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  • November 01, 2023 3 min read

    Filters Step Aside! Here’s How You Can Take Your Lash Photos and Videos to the Next Level!


    When it comes to growing your client base, content is key. Taking great photos of your lash extensions might seem like an unnecessary step or a cute little thing to do if ever you have the time, but having a social media feed that shows off your creativity and echoes a strong brand identity can be the difference between cultivating a large, loyal client base, and perhaps getting a booking sometimes. To help you take your Insta feed the next level, we’re introducing our LED Light – here’s what’s cool about it! 

    First Things First

    Other than giving your camera lens a thorough wipe to get rid of the fingerprints and making sure the lashes are in focus, good lighting is the most important aspect of taking great photos for anything! 

    A nice bright light picks out all of the finer details in your work, as well as making your clients’ eye color pop – this is eyecatching on the feed, but when your clients eyes look extra cool, they’re more likely to share the post on their socials or just with their friends, which can lead to loads of valuable word of mouth bookings!

    the brightness settings on the LED light

    With our new LED light, you have more control over the light than ever before. It’s handheld, which means that you can put the light exactly where you need it for the perfect shot, and you also have a lot of freedom when it comes to the warmth and brightness of the light, meaning that not only can you highlight each and every lash set in a way that shows off their best features, but you can also match your feed’s overall look. 

    Speaking Of…

    Having literally thousands of color options built in means that you can get super creative with your lash photos and videos to really give your content the edge – you could create a rainbow effect on your feed, you could change the featured color seasonally, or you can simply match your brand colors and nurture a really strong and recognizable brand identity. 

    Before now, you could do something similar with filters and overlays, but finding one that was A. the right color, B. didn’t annihilate the quality of your photos and videos, and C. was free. Thankfully, the LED light will be whatever shade you pick, will only enhance the quality of your pictures and videos, and will add value to your before and after photos, instead of chipping away at your bottom line. 

    some of the color options of the LED light

    It’s Not A Clip On

    Okay, this might not seem like a ‘feature’, but hear us out! Not having this as a clip on means that you can pair it with your clip on macro lens to get the MOST impressive photos and videos, and you have the biggest range of motion going. If you did want this to be stationary while you film some video content, it comes with a little screw on attachment so that you can add it to a tripod. 

    Other Accessories to Consider

    If you’re still with us, chances are you’re looking for some ways to up your photography game. We’ve already mentioned our Clip On Macro Lens, but in case you’re not familiar with it, it’s a little lens that you can clip onto your phone’s camera and get super detailed, close up shots of your lash extensions to really show off the cool details you might miss otherwise, whether that’s your flawless attachment or the cool colored lashes you’ve added in to your lash sets. 

    lash shampoo on a lash spoolie taken with a macro lens

    When you consider that a macro lens can make Lash Shampoo look THIS good, imagine what it will do for your lash sets!

    The Clip On Lens works best on phones that have cameras on the edge of the device, and might just need to be moved slightly depending on which camera you’re using, if you have multiple cameras on your phone. 

    Other Lighting to Consider

    If you’re looking for a light that helps you work and also helps with content creation, there’s none better than the Glamcor Horizon. The Horizon is the latest Glamcor light and is, without question, the most aesthetically pleasing lashing light, as well as being super customizable in its brightness and warmth.

    a model having her photo taken. in the foreground there are 5 iPhones all taking photos of the model

    While it might seem like a frivolous little accessory, there’s a lot to be said for having fun with your work, and even more to be said for setting yourself apart from the rest! By showing your clients – existing and potential – the quality of your work and your level of creativity, all while having a consistent brand identity, you’re showing them that they’re in safe hands with a Lash Tech who is committed to every little detail!