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  • June 28, 2023 4 min read

    Not Sure How to Pick the Best Lash Extension Glue? This is How to Find Your Perfect Match...

    Finding the best lash extension glue for you may seem daunting; there are just so many to choose from! 

    The best lash extension glue doesn't always come from a friend's recommendation or by taking a luck of the draw approach when you choose a lash glue. There are some things you should know before you make your choice. The London Lash glue selection is expansive for a reason!

    Why Are There Different Types of Lash Extension Glue?

    For the same reason that there are lots of different types of lashes, tweezers, and basically everything when it comes to lash extensions: personal preference and individual need. 

    It's really common for Lash Technicians to ask us which is the fastest or strongest glue, but we need you to know that the fastest only = the strongest if you're able to lash fast enough to see its benefits, otherwise it's going to give you worse retention than a glue which is slower.

    Going back to the initial question, there are lots of different types of lash extension glues because what counts as the strongest to one Lash Technician might be another's worst nightmare.

    How to Choose the Best Lash Extension Glue

    Before you begin, you will need to check your:

    Humidity Level. This is how much moisture is in the air at any given time. By being aware of your humidity levels—whether that's how it always is or the ways that it can fluctuate—you are able to select a glue that will work well for you.

    Temperature. This is just how warm or cool your room is. Generally speaking, Lash Glues and people are happier at temperatures between 18-22ºC/64.4-71.6ºF. 

    Placement Speed. This is how quickly you place an extension on the natural lashes after you've dipped it into your lash glue.

    Being aware of these factors means that you can make an informed choice when it comes to choosing the best lash extension glue for you. Each lash glue has the same job, but getting there is a little different. The preferences of each glue is what makes picking the best one a little tricky, and is the reason that you can't always go off of a friend's recommendation.

    london lash glues for eyelash extensions

    How and Why to Keep Track of Your Humidity

    We can't stress enough how important it is to keep track of your humidity levels, and by extension how important it is to invest in a Digital Hygrometer. Moisture in the air is responsible for cyanoacrylate based glue curing, so we need to make sure our room conditions and our glue are compatible.

    Your lash glue will dry faster the higher your humidity is. If a glue dries faster than you're able to place your extensions on the lashes, you will experience retention issues as it will begin to cure on the way to the natural lash, and won't be able to form a strong bond between the extension and the natural lash.

    On the other hand, if your humidity is low, your glue will dry more slowly, increasing the risk of issues such as your lash extensions leaning after being placed and resulting in an untidy lash set, more stickies in your work, and more exposure to glue fumes.

    How is Lash Glue Impacted by Temperature?

    Temperature isn't quite as impactful as humidity is, but it certainly still has an effect. Similar to humidity, the higher your temperature is, the faster your glue will cure, and the lower it is, the more slowly your glue will cure. 

    Lash Extension Placement Speed

    This is something that will vary between Lash Technicians based on how long they've been lashing, how much experience they have, and even how steady their hands are.

    You may find that a complete beginner needs to use a faster lash extension glue than someone who's been doing lashes for five years; your placement speed is no reflection on your skills, and faster glue isn't a sign that you're better or worse at lashes than anyone else. It's actually far more skilful to use the best lash extension glue for you than it is to strive to use the fastest glue.

    We have a separate blog post where we go into the differences between each of our lash extension glues which you can take a look at if you need a few pointers, but to start you off, this glue chart gives you an idea of which glues might be ideal for you:

    lash extension glue comparison chart


    If you're not sure which glue might be the best fit for you, we have samples available so that you can try out and compare any glues that might be the ideal for you.

    Remember that a lash extension glue is only as strong as its environment and its user allows it to be. A glue that dries rapidly stands no chance of giving you great retention if you're placing lashes more gradually, or if you're not properly cleansing the lashes prior to application!